

We guide companies in the implementation of lean thinking logic in business processes.

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Business Consulting

  • Company assessment, to understand the company’s starting point in the various areas and the priorities for intervention
  • Identification of the key factors for success on which the company must focus with structured improvement paths
  • Definition of a shared and timely road map of change
  • Specific improvement activities of the various company areas: marketing & sales, research & development, technical office, operation, supply chain, quality, industrialization, maintenance, finance-control administration, sales and human resources

Project Management

Management of complex projects with the function of project manager, with effective management of the different phases of project planning, starting from the quality, time and cost objectives imposed on the customer internal or external to the organization




Less theory and more practice!
Laboratory and online courses to learn the practical methods of Lean Production and the culture of continuous improvement to be implemented in the company.


Targeted workshops for process improvement: practical staff training activities to help them acquire techniques and mentalities to then apply within the company.


With Henka you have continuous excellence and sustainable growth

First consultation is free!


Henka Srl's working methodology follows the Kaizen principles. The term "Kaizen" is of Japanese origin and means "continuous improvement" or "gradual improvement". It is a concept that has its roots in Japanese philosophy and has been widely adopted in the business and project management context.

Team Work

Kaizen involves all levels of an organization, from leadership to rank-and-file employees. The idea is that everyone should be involved in the process of identifying and implementing improvements.

Organizational Culture

To have effective Kaizen engagement, you need to create an organizational culture that promotes openness to change and a positive approach towards continuous improvement. Organizations often encourage ideas sharing and collaboration.

Training and Development

Effective engagement also requires staff training and development. People must be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to actively contribute to improvement processes.

Respect for People

One of the fundamental principles of Kaizen is respect for people. This involves recognizing value and skills of each individual within the organization.

Collection of Feedback

Continuously gathering feedback is essential for Kaizen engagement. People should feel free to express their opinions, suggestions and concerns without fear of criticism or punishment.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To maintain effective Kaizen engagement, it is important to regularly monitor and evaluate progress and results. This allows any corrections to be made and ensures that the improvement process continues to be relevant and efficient.


What does Henka mean?

変化 (Henka) is a Japanese word meaning “change” or “transformation”. It is composed of 変 (hen) meaning “change” and 化 (ka) meaning “change of state” or “metamorphosis”. The word is often used in contexts such as science, technology, business and psychology to describe change from one state to another.


Business consultancy and training

Our Lean Management activities arise from a strategic vision of the company and follow concrete and pragmatic paths inspired by an original synthesis of Western Lean Thinking and Japanese Kaizen. We are able to intervene at all levels of the company, always understood as a whole, not as a set of parts. The lean consultancy service takes the form of “Lean Transformation” projects, which lead to the elimination of waste and an increase in value not only in the factory (lean production), but along the entire logistics chain (lean supply chain), in sales (lean sales) and in offices (lean office).

We guide companies in the implementation of lean thinking logic in business processes. In any business change process, the fundamental objective is to increase competitiveness through an increase in business efficiency. In the current market, the ability to develop and maintain the ability to innovate and create value for their customers is vital for companies.

Through lean consultancy we transmit to companies skills on the philosophy of Lean Thinking, thus allowing them to successfully apply the logic of the TPS Toyota Production System to the various company areas. Furthermore, thanks to the application of the Agile and Change Management methodology, accompaniment in the implementation phase becomes a more sustainable path for the intercompany team.





Viale della Navigazione Interna 51 Padova (PD) cap 35129

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